18 November, 2011

Ok Done complaining

All is all right in Terra land...lol. Pain brought out the nasty-ness in me. Had a loving talk with my loved ones...and everything is good. And not in nearly as much pain as I was. I went back to the doctor today and they cut off the bandage after my surgery. Talk about gross. Really swollen, Blood bruises everywhere. I know to much info. And they took X-rays first....and doctor came in and said everything looks good so far. And he said he wasnt taking out staples for another2 weeks. Kind of bumbed about that. I wanted to be all healed...like yesterday. Lol. And he put on a cast that will last for two weeks and then that will be taken off, staples out and then another cast or boot. I asked a million questions, sure he was sick of me. Also asked when I'll be back to work hopefully. Like he has a crystal ball and can tell me the exact date and give me all the answers...lol...I wish. But he said if all goes well, I'll be back to work the beginning to the middle of January. I'm so ready now. I hate this....the pain, surgery...medical bills....My leg up all day so it doesnt swell. Im just going to do everything Im suppost to so ...hopefully everything goes well. My doctor laughed at me when I asked about Vitamin C ....if it would help the healing. And he said everyone heals differently...and there's not a magic pill or drug that will speed everything up. God how I wish. I for the next two weeks its foot up in the air. My husband is still going to Az. So of course he asked my doctor( I don't want to go)...about me going. Because they cant leave me in the house by myself...three leveled house. And they doctor said Id have to be in the back of the car with my foot up in the air. My daughter and husband in the front...and my wolfdog in the very back...it's going to be crazy. So Ill have to stay on my moms couch all week with my foot up above my heart. At least I guess i will be able to see my mom. She has had a few strokes last and this year and brain surgery this year. So I always wonder how long she may have....So that is a blessing. ANd my dad died last year of pancreatic cancer. So Im totally over all this shit. Anywho....wish me luck in healing...