17 November, 2011

the bad part of me going....to Az for thanksgiving

What would be good about me going? Not much. Stuck in a little car with my leg crammed on the dash or down. And what about my wolfdog. SHe is the size of a small horse...her crammed in the back seat with my daughter....yeah right. And what if something happened to me...and so far away from my doctor.or hobbling form peoples house to house. Does..NOT sound like fun to me... Sounds like alot of pain and torture... Yes would be great to see my family. Since my dad died last year...mom had a few strokes and brain surgery....Oh YEAH...been like that the last couple of years....and I'm just DONE. I just want to crawl in my little hole and coocoon myself in for a while, lick my wounds and heal. So most likely I will stay....I hope so....or I'll end up making everyone miserable...I just need to get better.